Connecticon Missions Packet

Mission 1
Primary Objectives: Relic + Crusade (4 objectives) Each Objective worth 3 Vp, Relic worth 5 VP  Relic is fixed start in center of table each player places 2 objectives following the rules in the 40k rule book for objective placement.
Secondary Objectives : Slay the Warlord 1VP, Line Breaker 1 Vp, First Blood 1 VP
Deployment: Dawn of War
Mission Special Rules:  Night Fighting, Mysterious Objectives

Mission 2
Primary Objectives:

Primary Objectives: Scouring + Purge the Alien, Fast attack will not counts as extra VPs for this mission

Secondary Objectives : Slay the Warlord 1VP, Line Breaker 1 Vp, First Blood 1 VP
Deployment: Dawn of War
Mission Special Rules:  Night Fighting
Objective Placement: Place Relic and Emporer’s Will objectives as detailed in the 40k Rulebook.

Mission 3
Primary Objectives: Crusade + Emperor’s Will-neutral objectives worth 3, Emperor’s Will objectives worth 4.
Secondary Objectives : Slay the Warlord 1VP, Line Breaker 1 Vp, First Blood 1 VP
Deployment: Vanguard
Objective Placement: Choose table halves then place 3 Objectives on Center line as shown Then each player Places one objective in according to the rules of Emperor’s Will.
Mission Special RulesNight Fighting, Mysterious Objectives ( Players may re-roll the result of the mysterious objective that they place for Emperor’s will.)

Mission 4
Primary Objectives: Crusade (3 points each) + Purge the Alien: 5 Objectives, center objective fixed as shown, each player places 2 objectives each + 1 VP for each enemy unit destroyed.
Secondary Objectives : Slay the Warlord 1VP, Line Breaker 1 Vp, First Blood 1 VP
Deployment: Vanguard
Mission Special RulesNight Fighting, Mysterious Objectives

Mission 5
Primary Objectives: Scouring + Cleanse and Control- Place objectives as shown.  Do not score extra VPs for killing Fast attack in this mission.  Each Player Draws 3 tactical objectives on the first turn, if at the start of a player’s turn he/she has less than 3 tactical objectives generate new objectives until you reach 3
Secondary Objectives : Slay the Warlord 1VP, Line Breaker 1 Vp, First Blood 1 VP
Deployment: Hammer and Anvil
Mission Special Rules: Night Fighting, Mysterious objectives, Tactical Objectives.

Mulligan – If a player draws an objective he/she cannot complete (kill a flyer when your opponent has none.) they immediately discard that objective and draw a new objective. In addition each player may discard their opening hand of objectives for 3 new objectives this is done after impossible objectives are discarded.

Fixed Value = Any reference to a D3 on a tactical objective is always equal to 2.

Equal Opportunity = For Annihilation type objectives score the points for the objective during either player turn if the objective is achieved.  i.e. Witch Hunter would now read Score 1 Victory point at the end of the turn if at least one enemy unit with the psyker, Psychic pilot or Brother hood of psykers special rule was completely destroyed during this turn.

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